Privacy Policy

We ALCS have established a policy for proper handling of personal information as follows.

1. Purpose of use
(1) To protect the personal information of researchers and administrators of wetlands, etc.
(2) To disseminate knowledge obtained through research for conservation activities
(3) To manage information on the habitats of rare wildlife
(4) To manage the authors and contents of publications and research reports
(5) To manage contracts related to transactions and cooperation, such as commissioned work and subsidies
(6) To manage communication and personnel affairs of officers and staff

2. Compliance with related laws and regulations
We will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations.

3. Acquisition of personal information
We will acquire personal information in an appropriate and fair manner after explaining the purpose of use to the person in advance and obtaining his or her consent.

4. Management of personal information
We will keep the personal information data updated and manage it properly.

5. Provision of personal information
We will not provide personal information to any third party without prior consent, except in cases where we have transactions or cooperates with other organizations (governmental entities, research institutions, grants, etc.) related to its business. In such cases, we will make every effort to manage personal information appropriately.

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